Thursday, May 31, 2018



Throughout the years at WHS, students have witnessed more than a handful of presentations, assemblies, and guest speakers. Some presentations leave a lasting impression on the students that leave them wanting more. On Tuesday, May 20th, a fan favorite guest speaker returned to WHS to give another fascinating and informative presentation. 

Tom Smith is an NYPD detective, but not just any detective; he is assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and has been on the job for 28 years now. With those years, comes an immense amount of stories and experiences to share. Tom Smith has come in to WHS numerous times to discuss his life on this crazy job where anything can, and does, happen. 

There are many reasons why Mr. Smith wants to share his wisdom with the students of Washingtonville High School.  He expressed, “I come in to speak in classes to give people the opportunity to hear my experiences in law enforcement and to talk about present issues going on in the country that I can maybe answer. Also to give kids who are interested in law enforcement the opportunity to speak to someone with the experience that I have.” 

Smith also feels that, “it is important for kids today to realize that their opinions and thoughts matter, but to also understand that it should be their thoughts  and no one else influencing the way they think.”  He goes on to say that students should “have a dream for the future and never  let anyone get in the way of obtaining it.” 

Tom Smith’s presentation does not only leave students in awe, the stories and experiences he shares leaves students more knowledgeable about what a job in this field really entails.  Senior at WHS, Nick Valentin, expressed, “What I took away from Mr. Smith’s presentation was that being in the police force requires dedication, and you need to have a love for the job in order to really enjoy it and be able to do your job.  The most memorable thing about his presentation was when he told the story about him in Afghanistan and the close encounter he had where he had to take drastic measures in order to stay alive.” 

Presentations and guest speakers have come in and out of WHS throughout the years, but Tom Smith’s presentation about his job and experiences is like no other. His dedication and drive for his job is uncovered through the discussions he has with the students and leaves them speechless, astonished, and all around thankful for having a man like Tom Smith serve and protect this country. 

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