Thursday, March 30, 2017



Washingtonville is home to an astonishing number of talented musicians.  When walking the halls of the high school, it is not uncommon to hear a guitar strumming, a drum pounding or someone singing. Music is undisputedly a part of the culture in the tiny village of Washingtonville.  Luckily, these very musicians have a platform to reveal such talent to an eager crowd.

Coffee House is a yearly event where vocalists can be accompanied by an instrument and perform for an exclusive crowd. Attendees are offered various snacks and drinks to have while performers put on a show.  Mr. Wurster, the music teacher at the high school, stressed just how special Coffee House is. “Coffee House is an evening in the large cafeteria with primarily acoustic music performed by students at our school.”  Wurster obviously has a strong connection to Coffee House.  

Many people do not know the reasoning behind the initiation of Coffee House.  Mr. Wurster explained, “We started it as a combination. We felt that we had a number of students that were looking for an opportunity to perform in this manner. We are getting more original music that kids are composing themselves and we highly encourage that. We also started it because we love to help. Mrs. Wurster and I have helped with Hurricane Katrina, cancer patients, and now we are focusing toward Literacy Orange.”  It is clear to see how electrified Wurster is about the 12th annual Coffee House, not only because of the music, but because the event helps those in need.

Aside from Mr. Wurster being a key component of Coffee House, the Community Service Club play a big role in the evening’s success. Mrs. Wurster, the club’s advisor, gave incite on the role the club plays.  “The Community Service Club sets up the seats for the audience, provides refreshments and chooses an agency to raise money for.  This year, Alex Cestari came up with the idea to combine the book drive and come up with the literary theme. The organization, Literacy Orange helps adults and children to understand literacy and reading.” 

All donations will be going towards tutoring citizens in the Orange County region to strengthen reading and writing skills. Mrs. Wurster detailed the importance of the donations tenfold, “There will be a donation box at Coffee House for anyone who brings a book. However, the actual book drive begins April 19th and will conclude on April 28th. All books will go to the children at the Newburgh Armory, the United War Veterans and the Better World Books corporation.” Making a donation is imperative as it gives a chance at education for unprivileged children and adults. 

The Wurster duo’s hard work and dedication feeds into the excitement of the performers.  Musician Kyle Mulcahy can hardly wait to perform, “This year will be my fourth consecutive year performing as part of the Coffee House charity event. For me, the best part is the collaboration. For the past couple of years, I have made it clear that if someone is in need of a guitar player I am happy to help.  This has resulted in a lot of great acts being able to come about and I can’t wait to do it all again one last time.”  Mulcahy’s eagerness is absolutely radiating; it is evident that Kyle loves the vibe of Coffee House. 

Be sure to support the musicians of Washingtonville in the twelfth annual Coffee House on Thursday, April 20th at 6 pm. As of now, there are about thirty acts, but more performers are auditioning every day. If interested in auditioning, see Mr. Wurster in room 190 with a song idea before spring break. There will be plenty of brownies, cookies, cakes, and especially coffee. Watch a show, indulge in snacks, and donate for the greatness of books!

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